You can download my complete Resume as a PDF by clicking here.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -- Aristotle
User Experience Design Analyst and Sandbox Projects Specialist at Virginia Tech. I am working on improving the synchronous distance learning initiatives through the Technology-enhanced Learning & Online Strategies (TLOS) IT department.
Research Assistant at Virginia Tech. I worked on various research and development related tasks for both the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) and the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT).
Usability Expert (internship) at the Medical Virtual Reality (MedVR) group of the Institute of Creative Technologies, at the University of South California (Los Angeles, USA). I mainly worked for the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) under the guidance of Dr. Belinda Lange.
Senior Interactive Systems Developer at the Internet, Multimedia & Film Production Department of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (Athens, Greece). The FHW is a privately owned, not-for-profit organization devoted to the dissemination of Hellenic culture using new media technologies.
Freelance Multimedia Development and Consulting, collaborating with some of the largest organizations and software production companies in Greece, such as the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the National Observatory of Athens, makebelieve S.A., Honest Partners S.A., PostScriptum Ltd., and more.
Head of the Multimedia Department at Integrated Information Systems S.A. (Athens, Greece). IIS was founded and operated in Athens for a decade and was mainly providing digital products for EU-funded projects.
There is only one good -- knowledge; and only one evil -- ignorance. --Socrates
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Applications from the Computer Science Dept. at Virginia Tech. Dissertation title: "Evaluating Audience Interaction and Engagement using Virtual Environments and Serious Games for Student Groups in Informal Learning Spaces."
MSc in Computer Science and Applications at Virginia Tech. The degree was awarded based on coursework, i.e., successful completion of eleven 3-credit courses (GPA: 3.975). At the same time I received the Graduate Certificate in Human Computer Interaction.
Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean (Greece) [interrupted]. Dissertation title: "Interaction techniques for audience participation and collaboration during educational games in immersive theater environments."
MSc in Human-Centered Computer Systems at the School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences, University of Sussex (UK). Thesis title: "AMBROSIA: A Movie-Based Realm Of Synchronous Interface Agents".
The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching. -- Aristotle
I currently work as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, teaching the CS4784 Human-Computer Capstone course and CS1064 Introduction to Computer Science using Python.
I worked as an Adjunct Instructor at the Department of Computer Science, teaching the CS3724 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction course, with a strong emphasis on UX design and design thinking methodologies. Some student comments are shown below.
During my first two years at Virginia Tech I have been employed twice as a Teaching Assistant for the CS3724 Human Computer Interaction class, and once for the CS capstone course CS4624 Multimedia, Hypermedia and Information Access.
I have been teaching periodically as an Instructor of Information Technology the course of New Media and Technologies at the Institute of Continuous Adult Learning – General Secretariat of Life-Long Learning of the Greek Ministry of Education.
I have worked as an Assistant Lecturer on the course of Interactive Media at the graduate program MSc in Telematics Management, organized by the Technological Education Institute of Piraeus (Greece) in cooperation with the Danube University Krems (Austria).
Student Comments
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. -- Aristotle
June 2016
SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant from the Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) at Virginia Tech.

May 2016, 2015, & 2014
Graduate Research Development Program (GRDP), a campus-wide funding from the Graduate Student Assembly, awarded 3 years in a row.

November 2014
Scholarship for International Research, from the International Programs Office of the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech.

May 2015
Hellenic Student Association Scholarship from the Division of Student Affairs of Virginia Tech.

March 2014 & April 2012
Pratt fellowship from the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech, for "outstanding performance and teaching excellence."

May 2013
Gerondelis Foundation Grant awarded to students of Hellenic origin with excellent academic record.
A man is the sum of his actions, of what he has done, of what he can do, Nothing else. -- Mahatma Gandhi
During my time at VT I served as:
- Vice President of the Computer Science Grad Council (2014-15)
- Graduate Program Committee Rep of the CSGC (2012-14)
- President of the Hellenic Student Association (2012-13, 2015-17)
- Treasurer of the Hellenic Student Association (2013-14)
I support the following organizations:
- American Field Association (AFS) as a volunteer for their student exchange program
- Actionaid's "sponsor a child," supporting a community in Ghana
- Greenpeace and Avaaz with regular donations
- Wigs for Kids by donating hair
As part of my graduate assistanceship at VT, I organized a conference-like event for the 20th anniversary of the Center for Human Interaction (CHCI), attended by more than a hundred alumni and current students/faculty. My contribution to the event's success was recognized and awarded along with distinguished HCI professors. More information at the event page.
During the spring 2014 semester I tested my social entrepreneurship idea in the context of "The Startup Class," offered by the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. My idea was validated through interviews with a wide range of stakeholders, such as actionaid, Greenpeace, United Way, as well as local businesses and volunteer groups.
As part of my interest in leadership, I completed the following MOOCs:
- Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence, by Case Western Reserve University
- Better Leader, Richer Life, by the University of Pennsylvania
- Conversations that Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change, by CWRU
Being constantly motivated to change things, I completed the online courses:
- Innovation of Products & Services: MIT's Approach to Design Thinking by MIT' sEmeritus institute
- Creativity Innovation, and Change, by Penn State (twice: 2013, 2014)
- What’s Your Big Idea?, by the UNC at Chapel Hill
- Social Entrepreneurship, by the University of Pennsylvania
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. -- George Bernard Shaw
Besides my professional and academic endeavors, my personal life plays a huge role in my well-being. My wife Anna and my 3-year old son consist my beloved family, who I spend most of my free time with. I also enjoy the company of close friends and good food; as a result, I very often organize gatherings and parties at home, where playing games and having impromptu music bands and performances can also spice up the evening.
For my spiritual pleasure, I meditate, read philosophy books, and indulge in listening to good rock, jazz, and classical music. For my physical health, I love jogging, playing basketball, ping-pong, and pool. However, my biggest passions are photogrpahy and traveling, meeting new places and people, and experiencing their culture. In any case, I consider that the success of every activity in life hinges upon good company and personal relationships.